Not My Entertainment: Elephant - Accessory

Sick On Sin

$2.00 CAD 

0 Reviews

Circuses are NOT happy places for the animals that are made to act in unnatural ways for applause and laughter. Elephants are kept chained up and confined in small spaces in-between shows, and are beaten into submission and abused as part of their 'training' (yep, even the baby ones). 

Please think twice before going to the circus where beautiful creatures are forced to perform. No animals should live a life of sadness and suffering just for our entertainment. 

Get this design on your choice of:

    • 1" button
    • 1" magnet
    • 1" keychain
    • 1" zipperpull
    • 2.25" large button
    • 2.25" large magnet
    • 2.25" magnetic bottle opener
    • 2.25" keychain bottle opener
    • 2.25" pocket mirror


All graphics are Sick On Sin original designs. Accessories are printed using high quality inks/paper resulting in bold, clear and colourful graphics. They are hand-pressed by us using professional quality machines and parts. Please see a description of all the available accessories below:

  1. 1" Button: design on front and locking spring pin on back
  2. 1" Magnet: design on front and magnetic back
  3. 1" Keychain: design on front, black plastic back and a metal key ring
  4. 1" Zipperpull: design on front, black plastic back and a metal zipper pull
  5. 2.25" Large Button: design on front and metal back with pin
  6. 2.25" Large Magnet: design on front and large flat magnet on back
  7. 2.25" Magnetic Bottle Opener: design on front and black plastic backing with small magnet and opener slot. (Note: these are meant to be more decorative / handy stuck to your fridge as as they don't have a very strong magnet.)
  8. 2.25" Keychain Bottle Opener: design on front and metal backing with opener slot and keyring
  9. Pocket Mirror: design on front with real glass mirror backing. Comes packaged with a velveteen black baggie.

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